Monday, January 10, 2011

Boeher’s Competitiveness by Kurt Garrett

Is she competitive?

The following statement is reported from HUFFINTON POST ( The final statement is reminiscent of language used by House Speaker John Boehner. Congressman Boehner describes America as a competitive landscape and “those who choose not to compete” should not receive “help” from government resources.   I believe Speaker Boehner is setting the course for a new direction for social thinking and I am surprised that American Renaissance uses the same language. Competitiveness in both cases is arguably a code word for conservative-conformance and white supremacy.  If this is true, then it is divisive and inflammatory. 
American Renaissance is opposed to the entry of non-whites into the United States and supports Arizona's SB 1070 immigration law, which was criticized as racist and challenged by the Obama Justice Department. In an introduction to readers when the magazine was started in 1990, the publication wrote that "blacks and Hispanics are, compared to whites, far more likely to be poor, illiterate, on welfare, or in jail; they are far more likely to have illegitimate children, be addicted to drugs, or have AIDS. By no definition of international competitiveness can the presence of these populations be anything but a disadvantage."

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