Thursday, February 10, 2011

Obama's Healing America by Kurt Garrett

Framing Peace
I am proud of our President's leadership and the Tucson memorial service highlights his character. Now it all makes sense...why he didn't throw stone for stone when any ordinary person would have if 'openly' disrespected as he has been. His foresight, patience and composure during his presidency allowed him to stand and lead this country 'objectively' to a better discourse on things we disagree on. I am committed to following his example. Link: Full Tucson Speech

Glowing Nuclear Waste by Kurt Garrett

 Security of various types is being employed by a consortium of countries moving nuclear waste to secure storage sites. Meanwhile, they must ensure the nuclear waste stays out of the hands of villains who could misuse it, the worse of which might be to build nuclear weapons.  The recent transport of nuclear waste across Europe is being protested by some organizations and is dangerously attractive to criminal minded factions. Seeing the infrared images reminds us of how scary nuclear materials can be even when properly stored. See related story link: